December 24, 2023 · 1 min read

Things I use

List of things I find useful for day-to-day life.

App Defaults

  • Launcher: Raycast
  • Calendar: Cron
  • Notes: Apple Notes (used to be Obsidian +
  • To-do: Apple Notes
  • Mail Client: GMail & Apple Mail
  • Mail Server: iCloud+
  • Chat: Messenger & Discord
  • Presentations: GSlides & Merp
  • News: Hacker News and 𝕏
  • Music: Youtube Music
  • Podcasts: Apple Podcasts and YouTube
  • Password Management: Bitwarden
  • Movies: Letterboxd


  • Framework of choice: Next.js
  • Browser: Edge on Windows | Arc on MacOS
  • Styling: TailwindCSS
  • Content SDK: Contentlayer
  • Hosting: Vercel
  • Domains: Cloudflare
  • Editor: NeoVim
  • Configs: wip dotfiles